Johannesberg Winery

An ancient wine press

 This is an ancient pump
The story is that the messenger who was supposed to get permission to harvest the grapes was delayed one year. So the grapes went past their time. They processed them anyway and discovered a new kind of wine that they loved.

 The Rhine

 The lady who serves wine. She wanted to charge us $100 for the picture. The other lady said no, that she just charged someone $150. :)

 A church on the property

The door to the church

  Detail, taken by a short person. Click to enlarge


  1. I had heard that story about the Rieslings before. I had wondered if it was true. Apparently so. Cool. I am also curious about those doors to the church. Are the handles bent from people trying to get it, or out? :-) Or is it an optical illusion?

  2. I think that we might have turned it to see if it was open.

  3. I'm so jealous. This trip looks amazing. Keep posting, Christina!

  4. Love the carvings and brick work.


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